Lot Staffing Level: 4
Cashier: Don Roth
OCMS Lead: Pat Bush (720) 254-3741
LOT Workers:
Zeb Danesh
Zach Romero (TJ Tri-M Music)
Paul Stratton |
Lot Staffing Level: 6
Cashier: Tom Mauro
OCMS Lead:
LOT Workers:
Hannah Mitchell (TJ Tri-M Music)
Zach Romero (TJ Tri-M Music)
Tavin MacKinnon (TJ Tri-M Music)
Lot Staffing Level: 6
Cashier: Steve Kady
OCMS Lead: Phil Perington 3-668-7031
LOT Workers:
Jeff Cole
Jack Allen (TJ Tri-M Music)
Tavin MacKinnon (TJ Tri-M Music)
Lot Staffing Level: 3
Cashier: vaughan
OCMS Lead:
LOT Workers:
Mario Sani
Vita Sani (MPB) |
Lot Staffing Level: 5
Cashier: Tom Mauro
OCMS Lead: Pat Bush (720) 254-3741
LOT Workers:
Zach Romero (TJ Tri-M Music)
George Buzick
Albert Gapuzan
Lot Staffing Level: 7
Cashier: Mario Sani
OCMS Lead:
LOT Workers:
Hannah Mitchell (TJ Tri-M Music)
George Buzick
Albert Gapuzan
Jim Easton
Tom Glazier 12 pm to 6 pm
Bob Meyer 12 pm to 5 pm |
Lot Staffing Level: 8
Cashier: Steve Kady
OCMS Lead: Vaughan arrive 4
LOT Workers:
Mario Sani
Matthew Dollarhide
Ivan Wexler (4-8) |
Lot Staffing Level: 5
Cashier: vaughan
OCMS Lead:
LOT Workers:
Jack Allen (TJ Tri-M Music)
Mario Sani
Robert Wardlaw
Matthew Dollarhide |
Lot Staffing Level: 5
Cashier: Don Roth
OCMS Lead: Pat Bush (720) 254-3741
LOT Workers:George Buzick
Casey Funk
Robert Wardlaw
Mark Lonsdale
Jim Dissett (New guy To connect with George to orientate)
Lot Staffing Level: 7
Cashier: Tom Mauro
OCMS Lead: Tom Glazier 12 to 5 pm)
LOT Workers:
Gary Jerman
Mark Metevia
John Scarborough |
Lot Staffing Level: 7
Cashier: Steve Kady
OCMS Lead:
LOT Workers: vaughan
Tavin MacKinnon (TJ Tri-M Music)
Zach Romero (TJ Tri-M Music)
Robin Morrissey (TJ Tri-M Music)
Lot Staffing Level: 4
OCMS Lead:
LOT Workers: Vaughan
Jack Allen (TJ Tri-M Music)
Zach Romero (TJ Tri-M Music)
Robin Morrissey (TJ Tri-M Music) |
Lot Staffing Level: 4
Cashier: Tom Mauro
OCMS LEAD:Pat Bush (720) 254-3741
Zach Romero (TJ Tri-M Music)
Robin Morrissey (TJ Tri-M Music)
David Guentert
Mark Lonsdale
Bob Avery noon to 2:30 |
Lot Staffing Level: 4
Cashier: Mario Sani
OCMS Lead: George Buzick
LOT Workers:
Hannah Mitchell (TJ Tri-M Music)
Zach Romero (TJ Tri-M Music)
Robin Morrissey (TJ Tri-M Music)
John Scarborough
Bob Avery noon to 2:30 |
Lot Staffing Level: 4
Cashier: Greg Holt
OCMS Lead: Tom Glazier
LOT Workers:
Jack Allen (TJ Tri-M Music)
Lot Staffing Level: 3
Cashier: Greg Holt
OCMS Lead:
LOT Workers:
Vaughan |